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Interview Techniques

Early $225.00 ENDS MARCH 13
Regular $250.00 ENDS MAY 13
Late (26 Days Left) $275.00 ENDS JUNE 13

Location: Online
Dates: June 13, 2024 - June 14, 2024
Times: 10:00AM - 2:00PM ET
Fee: $275.00

Course Description
Travel Information

Gathering Information and Effectively Conducting Interviews

Course Overview

The art of communication is important in every walk of life. It is a vital skill for every officer in law enforcement. This skill is one of the least practiced skills in law enforcement. The art of interviewing and interrogating is an intrinsic skill that every officer should have and practice. This skill is vital in every facet of the law enforcement career, whether it is a roadside interview, field interview, or obtaining a confession that could ultimately lead to success in a big case. It is also essential in obtaining information from a witness on a suspect.

This class is designed with the student in mind. It will consist of both classroom instruction and practical exercises, so the students can practice and fine tune their skills in the art of interviews and interrogations, in a controlled environment. Students will be able to hear and observe numerous previous interviews and interrogations. Topics of discussion will include information gathering, legal considerations, interview aspects, interrogation aspects, proxemics, non-verbal cues/body language, settings, rapport building, situational dos, and don’ts, interviewing witnesses versus suspects.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for any law enforcement investigator or detective looking to learn/refresh their interviewing/interrogating techniques.

Material Requirements

Students should bring a laptop with Internet capabilities. 

Day One

  1. Historical Interview Techniques
  2. Introduction to Interviewing
  3. Interviewing Techniques
  4. Settings
  5. Legal Considerations
  6. Problem Areas in Interviewing

Day Two

  1. Ethics in Interviewing
  2. Introduction to Interrogation
  3. Interrogation Techniques
  4. 9 Steps of Interrogation
  5. Legal Changes to Authority
  6. Exonerations in Regard to Confessions

Agenda topics are subject to change based on course iteration and class needs.