

Analytic Unit Supervisor

Developing Supervision and Leadership Skills for Analytic Team Supervisors

Designed to assist supervisors grow, develop and manage their analytical services personnel and division. Whether an agency has a single strategic analyst or a team of real-time analysts, this course provides supervisors with the guidance to effectively manage (and grow) their analytical staff.  Practical exercises and leadership/staff assessment are emphasized.

Analytics for Public Safety

Refocusing and Recharging Analytical Personnel

Analytics is the study of making decisions based on analysis. “Crime is up 25%” is analysis; “additional patrols” are analytics.This course combines foundational analysis techniques with decision making skills.Additionally, the course is designed to refocus and recharge analytical personnel and enhance their sense of fellowship within the LE environment.

Cell Phone Data and Mapping

Managing and Mapping Cell Phone Data for Case Management and Prosecution

This course helps make sense of cell phone data for the purpose of finding data patterns, and accurately plotting locations (and mapping movements) of cellular connections. Learn how to access cell datasets, sort and mine datasets for investigations, and present the findings in court.  No prerequisite is required, knowledge of Excel is helpful.

Cell Phone Investigations

The National Standard for Cell Phone Investigation, from Collection to Prosecution

This course includes a comprehensive overview of cell phone investigations from obtaining data, case development, investigations, and courtroom presentation and prosecution.  Course provides instruction in obtaining evidence and intelligence from cell phones, cell towers/sites, call detail records, and applications using cellular connections. 

Clandestine Laboratory Hazards and Assessment for First Responders

Recognizing the Hazards of Clandestine Labs and Narcotics

In today’s robust drug market, many of the narcotics are prepared, pressed, mixed or manufactured in clandestine laboratories. In many cases these are discovered by first responders who are typically the least equipped to mitigate the hazards.

Confidential Informants

Best Practices for Managing Confidential Informants and the Information Acquired

Confidential Informants can be one of the best investigative tools law enforcement personnel have access to. However, confidential informants present unique challenges to agencies, law enforcement officers, and administrators. This course will provide the student with the knowledge and skill set to handle and maintain professional relationships with informants.

Critical Thinking for Law Enforcement

Better Thinking leads to Better Decisions leads to Better Public Service

This course outlines the processes for thinking objectively and critically about data processes and procedures related to law enforcement activities / investigations.  Learn how to critically (and accurately) examine and process data sets, accept and reject hypotheses, and present clear directions to peers and administrators.  Hands-on exercises are emphasized.

Cryptocurrency Investigations

Digital Currency and its Impact on Investigations, Search and Seizure, Prosecution and Society

Cryptocurrency is quickly becoming a standard for online financial transactions. Students will gain a better understanding of the recent history of cryptocurrency, its origins and applications.  Investigative techniques will be outlined which unlock criminal and questionable online financial practices.  Courtroom presentation of online evidence is emphasized.

Dark Web Investigations

Discuss and Identify Criminal Offenses Associated with the Dark Web

Students will learn how to comprehend each level of the web, from the surface (Google) down to the "deep" or "dark" sections. The course uncovers the criminal offenses and investigative techniques associated with the dark web.  Current trends and future directions are discussed.  Security protocols are observed in class to protect agency assets and identity

Dialogue on Race and Law Enforcement

Join the Discussion on Racial Issues and their Relation to LE

Each DRLE course, focuses on a separate, unique topic within the subject of Race and Law Enforcement.  Most of the topics will provide a historical context for understanding what is happening today, and address the questions of how did we get here, where are we going, and how do we make things better?

Effective Writing for Law Enforcement

Effective Law Enforcement Requires Effective Writing Skills

This course provides a law enforcement-specific approach to learning how to efficiently utilize Microsoft WORD.  Unlike a typical computer course, personnel learn through a series of guided “real-world” applications which identify and hone how law enforcement agencies utilize software to create written documents for internal and external agency use.

Excel for Public Safety

Harnessing the Power of Microsoft Excel to Better Manage Data & Improve Investigations

This course provides practical application experience for law enforcement personnel working with MICROSOFT EXCEL®.  In a primarily hands-on environment, personnel are guided through a series of examples to better learn how to effectively leverage Excel for law enforcement and public safety.  A computer with MS Excel 2013 or higher is required.

Excel: Advanced Topics

Expanding on the Power of Microsoft Excel® to Better Manage Data & Improve Investigations

Advanced Microsoft Excel® for Public Safety™ is designed to further public safety personnel’s Excel skills to aide in law enforcement data managing and analysis. The basic Excel skills learned in the prerequisite offered by Police Technical, Microsoft Excel® for Public Safety™, will be broadened.

Excel: Data and Mapping

Harnessing the Power of Microsoft Excel® for Data Mapping

Who knew that Microsoft Excel could aid law enforcement operations in mapping burglaries, homicides, cell phone records, and other data? After this two-day course, you will be equipped with the skills necessary to visually map tactical, strategic, and operational analysis data.

Exploiting Technology in Real Time Investigations

Navigating the World of Digital Evidence in RT Investigations

This course provides law enforcement personnel instruction in accessing cell phones and cellular data in real-time.  Starting off with basics in cell technology the course quickly progresses into applications using all of the major cellular carriers.  Personnel will have real world, working knowledge of how to apply course information to active investigations.

Fentanyl Investigations

Understanding the Dangers and Challenges of Fentanyl Investigations

This course will provide law enforcement personnel with an accelerated introduction to the constantly evolving dynamics of fentanyl related investigations.  Students will explore crime scene photographs to determine and recognize overdoses prior to toxicology reports.

Find Anyone Online

Fugitive Tracking using Digital Methods

Find, Track, and Apprehend suspects using the latest digital/online methods.  Suitable for any person who ever wanted to find somebody - immediately.   Through a structured survey of available resources, law enforcement personnel will view, search and manage multiple open source sites and services in the search of that person that just does not want to be found.

Human Trafficking Investigations

Human Trafficking Knows No Boundaries – It is Everywhere, Hiding in Plain Sight

This course provides techniques to effectively investigate, prosecute and reduce human trafficking and modern servitude/slavery.  Techniques discussed assist personnel to identify, investigate (even with uncooperative witnesses), and prosecute human trafficking cases. Information related to victim support and additional resources (ie Federal) is provided.

Indoor Marijuana Grows and the Production of Cannabis

Methods of Drug Manufacturing and Dismantling Grow Ops

For those first responders, supervisors and investigators and supervisors tasked with responding to, evaluating and mitigation of these events, this course is designed for you. Marijuana grows and the manufacture of cannabis, be it Butane Honey Oil, Rosin or bubble hash has become common place in much of todays law enforcement environment. Even though in many jurisdictions, there has been growing legalization for recreational purposes, there are still a huge umber of Black Market” operations that need to e investigated. In other areas, “Grey Market” diversion of marijuana and cannabis has also become a problem.

Internet of Things (IoT) Investigations

Navigating the Challenges Posed by the Internet of Things (IoT) for LE

Internet of Things (IoT) is the term given to the growing world of internet connected devices.  As more and more “things” become connected to the internet (and each other), their investigative value increases to law enforcement.  This class explores the current (and near future) applications for IoT in law enforcement investigations and operations.

Interview Techniques

Gathering Information and Effectively Conducting Interviews

The art of interviewing and interrogating is an intrinsic skill that every officer should have and practice. This skill is vital in every facet of the law enforcement career, whether it is a roadside interview, field interview, or obtaining a confession that could ultimately lead to success in a big case.

Narcotics Enforcement

Enforcing and Investigating Narcotics Cases

This course is designed for officers to be proactive, instead of reactive. It is designed for officers/supervisors who are interested in the field of narcotics enforcement, to the experienced narcotics detective/supervisor. The instruction will focus on basic narcotics investigations, laws, types of narcotics interdiction, and case studies.

Narcotics Investigations

Develop the Skills and Knowledge Needed to Conduct a Narcotics Investigation

Conducting narcotics investigations presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for law enforcement personnel.  These challenges and opportunities demand new skill sets to evolve with the ever-changing world of drug culture.

OIS Investigations

Officer Involved Shootings and Critical Incidents are Among the Most Scrutinized Investigations. Do Them Right.

This course examines all aspects of the OIS Investigation:  From the initial call for service, through the investigation, to the final presentation to the prosecutor and public.  Students learn using actual case studies, in a non-judgmental environment, from seasoned personnel.  Note:  This course is strictly limited to active law enforcement and support personnel. 

OneNote: Digital Case Management

Simply Managing, Storing and Sharing Digital Criminal Case Materials

This course provides practical application experience for law enforcement personnel working with MICROSOFT OneNote®.  OneNote is highly capable of managing, storing and sharing investigations materials but is often overlooked for more expensive, proprietary solutions.  Law enforcement investigations / case studies are used throughout the course.

Online Investigations

The National Standard for Online Investigations for Law Enforcement

This course provides an accelerated introduction to the constantly evolving dynamics of online criminal investigations.  Students will explore standard (and unconventional) investigative techniques and approaches to conducting online investigations.  Hands-on activities involve case studies of homicide, narcotics, and other crimes with online connections.

Open Source Investigations

Utilizing Open Internet Sources to Facilitate Active Investigations

This course provides a structured survey of free unsecured websites (“open” sources) available to law enforcement personnel investigating criminals and criminal activities.  Portions of the course are hands-on and will require personnel to have a laptop with unfettered access to the internet (no site blocking software).

Operational Red Flags

Recognizing Red Flags in Undercover Operations

Operational Red Flags is a course for law enforcement personnel who are assigned to narcotic or specialized units. This class will focus on Operational Red Flag Issues for tactical undercover operations including undercover officer operations, informant-based operations, and search warrants.

Passenger Vehicle Drug Interdiction

Develop the Skills and Techniques for Successful Roadside Encounters

This course will provide students with the skills necessary to conduct successful interdiction. It will equip students with the ability to make a rapid assessment on whether criminal activity is taking place. This rapid assessment can be enhanced by becoming familiar with current criminal trends and understanding how to use this information to confirm or deny one's suspicion.

Patrol Officer Response to Street Drugs

Enhancing the Success of Effective Street-Level Narcotic Enforcement

This course focuses on street-level narcotics enforcement by uniformed patrol, corrections, probation, fish and game, and all other enforcement officers who possess arrest authority, including military police. The purpose of this course is to not only identify violations, but to reduce the amount of illicit drugs on the streets. Attendees will learn the origin of illicit drugs and import techniques employed by transnational criminal organizations (TOC).

PIO and Community Engagement

Communicating with the Public; it’s More than a Tweet

This course provides instruction in the application and performance of a Public Information Officer.  Built upon historically valid principles and techniques, this course provides proven directions for agencies wishing to improve their interaction with the public while taking a fresh look at community engagement and the role of the PIO.

PowerPoint for Public Safety

The National Standard for the Presentation of Public Safety Information

MICROSOFT PowerPoint is the international standard for the presentation of ideas and data.  In this course, students learn how to specifically apply this tool to a law enforcement environment.  Case studies range from Instruction to Investigations, Narcotics to Homicide.  Thousands of law enforcement personnel have taken this course from POLICE TECHNICAL. 

Real Time Crime Centers (RTCC) for Public Safety

Using RTCC for Tactical Intelligence and Communications Centers

The future of Public Safety changes all of the time. Today many of your peer departments are moving to the future technology of implementing a Police, Fire, or Public Safety Real Time or Tactical Information Centers. 

Securing Your Identity

Be Invisible and Take Privacy to the Extreme in the Interest of Officer Safety

Disappear from the Internet.Whether you are working active online investigations, or simply want to maintain better control of your online identity, students learn to make private communications, anonymous internet connections, hardened computers, secure accounts and secret purchases.Become invisible online in the interest of officer and personal safety.

Slavery's Legacy for Law Enforcement

A Primer on the Past, Insight into Today, and Guidance on Improving our Future

This course provides a historical overview of U.S. Slavery from the 1600s through Emancipation, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and modern vestiges.  In an open and honest environment, law enforcement personnel are encouraged to examine the past in order to understand current relations between law enforcement and minority populations.

Social Media Investigations

This course will explore the latest techniques for using snapchat, facebook, instagram to use in drug, firearm and gang investigations. To include UC accounts, latest case laws, gathering evidence for continuing investigations. Course includes actual case studies of real cases that used these techniques.

Social Media Methods

Best Social Media Practices for Law Enforcement Departments and Their Personnel

This course provides law enforcement with practical instruction in the application of current social media platforms and channels. Personnel learn utilizing hands-on activities and from case studies involving LE success (and failures).The course is appropriate for Administrators and PIOs as well as support staff and any other personnel active on social media.

Trends in Narcotics Enforcement

Keeping Up with the Current Hazards Associated with Narcotics Investigations

The hazards associated with investigating narcotic possession, manufacture, transport and trafficking are constantly evolving as are the methods in which investigators seek to dismantle such operations. This 8-hour two day course is designed to outline the current trends being used by both side in the constant struggle against the proliferation of narcotics and the associated crimes that follow.

Undercover Chatting and Personas

The online world is ever present in the lives of adults and children worldwide. And just as in real life, there are dangers lurking in every corner of that online world. Additionally, bad actors will often plan, execute and even memorialize their real-world crimes in an online setting.