

POLICE TECHNICAL Receives HUBZone Certification

Terre Haute, IN, U.S –  In January 2018, POLICE TECHNICAL, became a certified participant in the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Historically Underutilized Business Zone Program (HUBZone).  Companies with HUBZone certification receive advantages on Federal contract bids, and are eligible for non-competitive, sole source contracts.  Both of these benefits allow POLICE TECHNICAL to grow staff and expand services.  Only 35 Indiana companies are HUBZone certified; POLICE TECHNICAL is the only company in Western Indiana with the HUBZone designation.

POLICE TECHNICAL Brings Cell Phone, PowerPoint Training to ATFE Academy

In July 2015, POLICE TECHNICAL brought condensed versions of the highly rated Cell Phone Data and Mapping, and PowerPoint for Public Safety courses to the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATFE) academy at their headquarters in Washington, D.C. The classes were viewed a success, with many students deploying what they learned shortly after the training.

Thomas Manson, CEO of POLICE TECHNICAL and presenter of the abridged PowerPoint for Public Safety course,

Snapchat: Investigating the ‘Self-Destructing’ App


Investigating cases involving Snapchat can be difficult. The application is designed to destroy the very evidence law enforcement officers need to investigate and prove a criminal case. But are the images actually gone? Is it possible to retrieve them? Even if they are gone, are there other types and sources of information that can be used in a criminal investigation? Before answering those questions it is helpful to understand the language and services of Snapchat.

TED Speaker’s Book Now Available


POLICE TECHNICAL is now offering Introduction to Social Media Investigation by Jennifer Golbeck.  First, we believe you should get to know this prolific and internationally respected Computer Scientist.

When she isn’t teaching Social Network Analysis or Information Technology at the University of Maryland, she is constantly traveling and sharing her research. In fact, she recently spoke to several state/local law enforcement and FBI personnel at the Twin Cities Security Partnership seminar in Minneapolis,